short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Zombieland (2009, USA)

Of all the films that feature the gratuitous fun of zombie violence, as opposed to the existential horror of humanity turning upon itself, Zombieland is up there. In part, this is because our heroes, with a few small exceptions, didn’t have much use for humanity in the first place. It’s a lot easier to wail on zombies with impunity when you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t have liked them any better when they were alive. Though Zombieland tends towards the conventional, turning a bit soft as it moves into the final act, it still has the good sense to highlight awesome zombie kills and damn good comic timing, mostly centering on Jesse Eisenberg’s reaction to Woody Harrelson’s good-ol’-boy badass. Whoevery cast them opposite one another was a fucking genius. This is my favorite side of Harrelson – though no one would refute that he can act, he’s at his most entertaining when he sits back and lets the Texas out. And attacks zombies with garden shears.


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