short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Frighteners (1996, New Zealand/USA)

For one reason or another, I feel like I've been reading a fair amount about The Frighteners and how charming it is (I think someone over at the A.V. Club is a big fan). Liking Peter Jackson's pre-Lord of the Rings work, I figured I'd check it out. And . . . meh. I'm sure that nearly fifteen years ago, this particular brand of horror-comedy was pretty fresh, but I didn't find too much to recommend The Frighteners beyond a mildly entertaining movie that would have done itself a service to push the horror or the comedy (or both) a little harder. One exception, however - Re-Animator's Jeffrey Combs as a batshit insane FBI agent with the unfortunate assignment of covering any and all paranormal and cult-related cases. Combs is ridiculous, bug-eyed, muttering and screaming in equal measures. From entrance on, he steals the show, and there's no one in the cast - especially not Michael J. Fox - who can possibly stand up to him. He chews scenery like his last name is Pacino, making an otherwise pretty unremarkable movie worth watching.


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