short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Perfect Getaway (2009, USA)

A Perfect Getaway is a pretty enjoyable little action b-flick, especially if you choose not to think about it too hard. The twists are pretty predictable, but it's generally fun getting there, at least until director David Twohy (whose best film remains Pitch Black, although I vaguely remember Below being somewhat interesting) trots out a bit too much insight in the third act. Can't psychos just ever be psychos? Do we really need to hold up the final action sequence in favor of ten minutes of flashbacks?

And then there's the meta. Getaway is one of the most self-referential films of its type I've seen. This commentary - based largely on the fact that a central character is a screenwriter - is alternately amusing and anvilicious. By and large, however, it's refreshing to see a totally ridiculous film luxuriate in its own ridiculousness, which is why the final bout of exposition is a bit of a disappointment. If Getaway had kept its tongue firmly in its cheek and the pacing fast and mean, Twohy might have had a second cult classic on his hands.


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