short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tropic Thunder (2008, USA)

The debate has been raging for at least a week thus far, so I might as well weigh in – I found Pineapple Express funnier than Tropic Thunder. There’s a lot of funny stuff in Thunder, most of it involving Robert Downey Jr. and the rest of the supporting cast, but it doesn’t have the depth that Express does. I know! A stoner comedy that’s deeper than a Hollywood satire, but there you go. Ben Stiller doesn’t really seem interested in pushing past some of the easiest of targets – actors playing the mentally infirm (sorry, RETARDED) in order to secure awards, megalomaniacal Jewish studio heads, self-absorbed actors, out-of-their-depth British directors – and as a result, Thunder is sure to cast off a lot of quotable lines, but has no hope of maintaining the credibility of a satire like Borat. Personally, I still prefer Zoolander and The Cable Guy, neither of which seems to revel in the same world its lampooning.


Blogger The Artist Extraordinaire said...

I just saw a preview for Downey J's new movie which clearly displays he has no sense of irony humor, selfawareness or intelligence.

He is a down on his luck LA reporter who finds a schizophrenic street person playing a cello with two strings. Cue that one famous cello riff they use in hospital commercials where Dr.s talk about working together to cure a patient. It turns out the crazy bum is a genius and went to Julliard, surprise. And guess who plays the schizo, Jamie Fox, not going full retard, but close. Sort or reprising his roll as the hobo from In Living Color.

I would love to see the guy just be insane with no redeeming qualities and attack Downey Jr. on numerous occasions as they both try to fuck each other over. It could be an interesting movie if it were that, nobody learns anything. Instead of learning to love, and be friends.

8:49 PM


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