short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Monday, March 17, 2008

30 Days of Night (2007, USA)

Danny Huston, Ben Foster, vampires, Alaska - what's not to love? Hm. Josh Hartnett as a law enforcement official? A complete and utter lack of perspective? In order to have a decent action movie or horror film, both of which are generally built on some sort of chase, it really, really helps if the audience is able to distinguish point A from point B. Without a sense of location or any activity that flows across a defined space, is there ever really any feeling of urgency? People just show up in one place, then pop up somewhere totally unrelated in the next scene. Scenes themselves run into one another incoherently. This lack of focus distracts from a generally very cool concept and a few other positive points - Foster's brief performance, Huston's creepiness (though why his character speaks in Yoda-like parables is beyond me), the effect of blood spatter on the snow, and the animalistic nature of the vampires. It's a mess of a film, not really worth a cheap thrill.


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