short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Renaissance (2006, France/UK)

This film just fell totally flat. Set in a future Parisian dystopia, the plot revolves around a missing genetic engineer and the cop who's trying to find her. Unfortunately, the whole thing is just about as rote as that description might lead you to believe, except perhaps for the Parisian dystopia part. Renaissance is filmed in a high-contrast black-and-white motion-capture animation style (whew, that was a lot of hyphens). It looks cool, most of the time, but ends up suffering from a similar flatness that the plot does - the characters have little facial expression, which is a problem, and I wouldn't recommend watching it on a small television, because detail can be difficult to discern. It's a shame that the filmmakers spent so much time and energy on the look of the film, when it was the story and script that could have used the attention.


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