short film reviews, criticism, and occasional musing.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Having finally seen the bitch-slapping, bear-suit-wearing, honeybee of a good time that is the Wicker Man highlight reel, I started wondering . . . how could Ghost Rider POSSIBLY be ANY worse? Then I remembered the release date - February 16.

I love February. Not only do I inch closer to 30, but look at what the studios are blessing us with this time around!

Hannibal Rising!


Factory Girl! (Unless Bob Dylan's lawyers can block it - and I'm guessing he's got some pretty good lawyers. From what I've heard, we'll all owe Dylan big on this one.)

Music and Lyrics!

Because I Said So!

And let's not forget about Joel Schumacher! The Number 23! (Naturally, to capture that all-important synergy, this will be released on February 23. Because Crazy Dramatic Jim Carrey isn't going to get them into the theater seats all on his own, you know. The sad thing is, Danny Houston's in this one, so I'll totally end up seeing it. There goes what little cred I had left.)


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